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Type the book title in the search box above. For better results, also provide author name along with the book. You can search for books with their ISBN (International Standard Book Number). As soon as you click ‘Search’, You will then be directed to the search results page.

Please use our search engine to look for your books. That’s what we do. If you still can’t find them or if it’s not listed online, You can drop in to our store or send us an email at sales.hrintl@gmail.com or info@udefinedhop.com or you can what’s app/ call on +971(0)528244233  and we will guide you.

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We usually take 24 – 48 hours to process your order. Shipping time of each order is mentioned with the product.

An e-mail is sent the moment your order has been processed to the e-mail address the student provides when they set up an account through our website. This e-mail address is the same as your login to our site. Please remember to check any ‘spam’ or ‘junk’ folders within your e-mail as sometime order confirmations can end up there.

The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a 10-digit code assigned to books published after 1972 or a 13-digit code assigned to books published after 2006. Each ISBN is unique to a specific book. A different ISBN is assigned to hardcover and paperback versions of the same title, as well as later editions with changes or additional content, or editions produced by different publishers. You’ll generally find the number printed over the bar code on the book’s back cover or on the copyright page.

For books published in the late 1960’s or early 1970’s, you may find a similar nine-digit number called an SBN or Standard Book Number. An SBN is the original nine-digit version of the ISBN. Simply adding a 0 to the beginning will convert it to a valid ISBN. You can enter an ISBN in either its 10-digit or 13-digit format on our website

As of now, our Shipping is limited to next business day delivery across UAE.

Udefine has partnered courier company for deliveries across UAE and charges AED 20per delivery. Please note that Udefine offers Free Shipping for all orders above AED 300.

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