Return Policy

How quickly can I return an item?
As long as the product is unopened and still in its original condition and packaging you can return within 7 calendar days from the date of receipt.
Kindly send back the item to If you request a pickup service for the items to be returned or exchanged, a charge of AED 30 will be applied.

What form of Refund can I get?
Once the product has been evaluated and it’s eligible for return, we will issue a credit voucher ,/ that you can use to order a replacement item or you can use it on your next purchase. It will be valid for 3 months.

What if I receive an item with Manufacturing Defect or Printing Defects?
If you have a complaint about your product or think it might have a defect, is damaged or has Manufacturing defects, please email us with pictures and videos we will arrange for the replacement after evaluating the pictures and videos

We will arrange a pick up from your location. Please repack the item in the same original box it was delivered in and all the parts, labels, packaging and manuals.

How long does it take for the whole return and exchange process to be completed?
We usually collect items within 24-48 hours from the date of your feedback. The delivery of replacement usually takes 2-3 working days from when we have received and evaluated the product.

Return Policy
Our return policy is applicable to items delivered within the UAE only.

If you have any further queries regarding our returns policy, please send an email to